Top 10 Strangest Creatures - A Glimpse Into Our Amazing Planet

Earth has always held strangeness close to its heart. The same can be said for the strange animals that inhabit this planet with us. The flora and fauna of the world are beautiful and unique - not to mention weird!

From deep-sea fish to animals that frequent sandy plains or drift in the sky - we’ve had a good look around! Check out our list of the top 10 strangest creatures.

Top 10 Strangest Creatures

1. Tufted Deer

Tufted deer

The tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus) is characterized by the black hair on its forehead and its fangs. Yes, you read that right. It’s a deer, and it has fangs. It makes sense that this species would appear as one of the weirdest animals in the world.

Only male tufted deer are blessed with fangs. The fangs can grow up to 1 inch long or longer in extreme cases.

In general, this is a relatively small species of deer, standing 50-70 cm at the shoulder. Even though they are small, they still make for a striking sight.

These deer are native to central China and northeastern Myanmar. They are closely related to the muntjac.

Unfortunately, tufted deer are assumed to be near threatened due to habitat loss and overhunting. It’s doubly sad, considering they are the only members of the genus Elaphodus.

2. Goblin Shark

Goblin Shark

Photo credit: Wikimedia

The goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) is a very rare deep-sea shark. It is the only existing relative of the family Mitsukurinidae, which is a lineage dating back one hundred and twenty five million years!

Goblin sharks can grow to between 10 and 13 ft in length. There are cases of them growing larger than average; one caught in the year 2000 was an astonishing 20ft long.

These sharks sport a distinctive elongated snout with thin, sharp teeth. They have been described as ‘living fossils’ - it’s not surprising they’ve cracked a mention on this list of top 10 strangest creatures.

These incredible animals love extreme depths and frequent seamounts, slopes, and submarine canyons. They’re often found at 330 ft, although adults can reach greater depths.

While research on goblin sharks is still limited, it is estimated that they can live up to 60 years old.

3. Pyura Chilensis

Pyura Chilensis

Photo credit: Wikimedia

Pyura chilensis is a tunicate of the family Pyuridae - and one of the odd animals of the world’s oceans. The earliest mention of these strange animals was in 1782 by the Chilean abbot Juan Ignacio Molina.

Juan was shunned from Chile along with other Jesuit missionaries and wrote a book describing Chilean life in South America. In this book is the first-ever mention of Pyura chilensis. They were a form of sustenance for the locals.

These strange animals look exactly like rocks - until they are cut open. The inside resembles a mass of organs - bright red, bloody, and very alive.

Another interesting fact about these bizarre animals is that they are born male, become hermaphrodites at puberty, and reproduce by tossing clouds of sperm and eggs into the surrounding water.

If there are no other pyuria chilensis around, it will self-fertilize and self-procreate. This incredible animal truly deserves a mention as one of the weird creatures on the planet.

4. Shoebill


The shoebill (Balaeniceps rex), also known as a whale-head or shoebill stork, is a gigantic bird with stork-like characteristics. It was characterized as a stork for a long time, but recent genetic research has shown that shoebills are closer to pelicans and herons than storks.

Shoebills look prehistoric. Their bills make them look strangely dinosaurlike and simultaneously cartoonish. Shoebills are also described as statue-like for their tendency to stand still for long periods.

They are incredibly tall birds, standing at an average of 3.5 to 4.5 ft. They make for quite the sight in shallow water!

They were unknown until the 19th century when skins and live specimens were introduced to Europe. Before that, they were only known in ancient Egypt.

5. Velvet Ant

Velvet Ant

While these weird animals look like ants, velvet ants are actually (shockingly) wasps.

More specifically, they are Mutillidae from a family of over 7,000 species. They can be found all over the world, but most predominantly in North America.

The wingless females of this family resemble large, hairy ants - hence the name velvet ants. Their hair is often bright red or orange but has also been seen in black, white, silver, and gold.

They are also known for their stings, which can be excruciating. They have been dubbed ‘cow killers’ as their sting can kill a cow - one of the top 10 strangest creatures indeed. Luckily, they aren’t aggressive insects and only sting in defense.

Velvet ants are also sexually dimorphic. Males are always winged and do not have a stinger, while females lack wings and always possess a stinger.

6. Hummingbird Hawk-Moth

Hummingbird Hawk-Moth

Macroglossum stellatarum, more commonly known as the hummingbird hawk-moth, is a species of hawk moth found in several parts of Eurasia. Typically, they prefer warmer climates such as southern Europe and North Africa. They aren't likely to survive winters in more northern regions.

As the name suggests, the hummingbird hawk-moth very closely resembles a hummingbird. It has such a convincing disguise and even feeds on flower nectar while hovering like a hummingbird.

For this reason, it’s made our list of strangest animals. If you’re lucky enough to spot one, know that the hummingbird hawk-moth and its strangeness has always been seen as an omen of good luck.

7. Pink Fairy Armadillo

Pink Fairy Armadillo

Photo credit: Wired

Although this is a list of the top 10 strangest creatures - this animal is also one of the cutest as well.

The pink fairy armadillo is the smallest species of armadillo. These armadillos (Chlamyphorus truncatus) are solitary creatures found mainly in central Argentina's desert landscapes.

They are very elusive with their nocturnal nature and spend most of their time burrowed underground.

While they might look big in photos, pink fairy armadillos only grow to about 6 inches long. Their carapace covers only half their bodies, exposing their fluffy bellies and legs.

Their shells are also notable for their pinkish color. In an ironic twist, this soft hue is because their blood vessels are close to the surface.

8. Axolotl


The next contender on our list of weird animals is an axolotl. The axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is a paedomorphic salamander and is a close relative of the tiger salamander.

This weird animal was first found in several lakes in South America. Aztecs believed the first axolotl was a god that changed form to escape sacrifice.

These salamanders make unusual amphibians as they don’t undergo any metamorphosis when they reach adulthood. Instead, they stay gilled and aquatic.

The truly remarkable thing about axolotls is their regenerative abilities. They can regenerate limbs, gills, and parts of their brains.

They are also prone to cannibalism, a strange thought considering how cute they look. They are truly one of the world’s weirdest animals.

Unfortunately, their conservation status puts them as a critically endangered species. Wild axolotls are nearing extinction due to urbanization and water pollution.

9. Pacu


Photo credit: Azcentral

Pacu is the nickname for a group of freshwater serrasalmid fish found in southern America. They are related to piranhas but can be differentiated based on their jaw alignment. While piranhas have sharp teeth and an underbite, pacu fish have a slight overbite and short, straight teeth.

The short, flat teeth are exactly what landed them on this list as a standout weird animal. Nothing seems strange about having short, flat teeth because humans have short flat teeth. Except the teeth of a pacu fish look like human teeth.

Pacu fish are also omnivores, which means they eat both plants and meat with their human-looking teeth. Their teeth are also exceptionally strong and used to crush nuts that fall into the Amazonian rivers.

10. Japanese Spider Crab

Japanese Spider Crab

Photo credit: Wikimedia

The Japanese spider crab inhabits the pacific ocean around Japan. These humongous crabs bring a whole new spin to strange marine life.

This crab has the longest legs of any arthropod in the animal kingdom, with a leg span of an astonishing 3.7 meters!

This crab remains a big mystery to marine biologists. What we do know is that these giant crabs molt and shed their exoskeletons three times in their lifespan. The process can take up to two days!

They are considered a delicacy in Japan, which has made conservationists anxious over population vulnerability.


From the depths of the sea floor to the limits of outer space, there is no denying how much there is to discover about our magical earth.

Scientists discover new species every year, many of them getting stranger with every discovery! Even this list of the top 10 strangest creatures has barely scratched the surface of the unusual things mother nature has cooked up.

Each of these creatures is valuable to its ecosystem and the daily functioning of our planet. And as the old saying says, variety truly is the spice of life.

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