Top 10 Cutest Animals That Will Melt Your Heart

Animals can be strange, small, or huge. They can also be extremely cute! If you’re on the hunt for the sweetest creatures to melt your heart and make you smile - you’ve come to the right place!

Join us as we look at the top 10 cutest animals. You won’t regret it!

Top 10 Cutest Animals

We will start under the sea and make our way back up to the surface.

1. Flapjack Octopus

Flapjack Octopus

The flapjack octopus can be found around 4200ft below the surface of the North Pacific Ocean.

While these guys aren’t soft and cuddly, they are definitely adorable animals. Their diet consists of small crustaceans and worms. They are yellow, red, and orange and have tiny fins on their heads, resembling ears.

Flapjack Octopuses can be seen swimming around the California region, especially in the Eureka Bar. They can also be seen near Japan, about 580m off Kashima-Nada.

2. Sea Otter

Sea Otter

Next on our list of top 10 cutest animals are sea otters.

You may have watched a video of a mother otter wrapping her baby in a seaweed blanket. Or, you may have tuned into a live stream of these cute animals going about their daily lives in an aquarium.

With their button noses, sweet little paws, and teddy-bear expressions, these adorable mammals are sure to melt your heart.

You can find these fluffy friends along the central coast of California. From San Mateo in the north to Santa Barbara in the south - if you’re lucky, you’ll see some sea otters floating around and enjoying life.

They can also be found along the coast of Washington, but they aren’t restricted to America. You can spot them in Russia and Japan too.

3. Koala Bear

Koala Bear

The Australian outback is home to many dangerous creatures, but Koala bears stand out as being some of the cutest animals to hug the earth’s trees.

Koalas are marsupials. The term bears simply refer to their bear-like appearance.

Koalas crave affection. Luckily, their layer of fur is very dense and furry throughout, keeping them warm and making them easy to hold.

You can find them in their natural habit in the highest trees in East Australia. Sadly, these ‘bears’ face threats from deforestation and are considered to be a protected species. Various conservation efforts are ongoing to help protect them and their habitat.

4. Red Fennec Fox

Fennec Fox

Photo credit: Flickr

The red fennec fox is a cute, exotic-looking desert animal that stands at only eight inches tall. It has large fluffy ears with a small dainty-looking face. For this reason, it’s a no-brainer to feature on our list of top 10 cutest animals.

Out of the fox family, Fennec foxes have the largest ear-to-body ratio. They use their big ears to listen for small rodents hiding beneath the desert sand.

They also have hairy feet, so they don’t burn their paws while roaming the desert.

Red Fennec Foxes dwell in dunes and treeless desert environments. You can expect to find these furry friends across the Sahara and throughout Egypt, especially in the Sinai Peninsula.

5. Red Panda

Red Panda

Sticking to the theme of red, the red panda is the next contender on our list of the top 10 cutest animals.

Red pandas have soft red fur and a white face with white ears. They mainly eat bamboo but will also nibble on berries, acorns, and eggs.

Panda comes from the Nepali word ‘ponya,’ which directly translates to ‘the bamboo eater’.

Red pandas belong to an entirely different family. But since they share similarities with giant pandas (cute being one of them), they are referred to as red pandas.

Red Pandas live primarily in the eastern Himalayas.

6. Mouse Deer

Mouse Deer

Photo credit: Wikimedia

Formally known as a Chevrotain, these guys are the smallest hoofed animal in the world. Looking at the picture above, it’s not a shocker that they’re on our list of the cutest animals with those large eyes, interesting coloring, and spindly legs.

Now, you’re probably thinking about the name ‘mouse deer’ and what that means. A mouse deer isn’t a mix between a deer and a mouse. The mouse part comes from its cute mouse-like face.

These shy deer measure around 13 inches high and weigh a meager 30 pounds. This is about the size of a house cat. When they are born, however, they only weigh around 5 pounds.

They live alone in bushes and only come out to mate and seek food. You can find these cute creatures lurking around Southeast Asia and India.

7. Miniature Pig


Photo credit: Wikimedia

Mini pigs are so sweet. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why they’re one of the top 10 cutest animals.

They make a range of different sounds, from squeals to grunts. Some are signals they are hungry and want food, while others are calls to ask for some affection.

Mini pigs can weigh between 70 and 150 pounds, standing between 15 and 20 inches in height. They tend to reach half their adult size after one year and will cease growing at the five-year mark.

These little guys and girls are incredibly smart and can be trained to walk with a harness, sit, stay, and fetch a ball when thrown. That is one adorable animal.

Miniature piggies are also known as Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs and were domesticated as pets in the Southeast parts of Asia.

8. Japanese Weasel

Japanese Weasel

Photo credit: Wikimedia

Japanese Weasels, also known as Itachi, have distinct round beady eyes. Although they’re one of the top 10 cutest animals looks-wise, they’re actually ferocious predators.

These adorable furry creatures feed upon mice, insects, fish, and frogs. Japanese weasels are around 14 inches long with a relatively long tail. The fur is orangey-brown and fluffy in texture.

As the name suggests, Japanese weasels are native to the Japanese islands and can be found on Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku.

9. Elephant Shrew

Elephant shrew

Elephant shrews are mammals, unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. They resemble giant mice or gerbils and have pointed snouts that look like elephant trunks.

They are shy creatures and so sweet-looking that they’ve landed a spot on our cute list. They have short ears, weigh up to 1.5 ounces, and only measure up to 4 inches long!

Many elephant shrews have grey fur and a white belly, but some can be more on the colorful side, with golden fur.

Interestingly, the shrews dig tunnels and paths, then traverse through them, sticking their snouts out when they need to look for food. They eat termites, ants, worms, and spiders. Anything bigger than that, they stay far away from.

Elephant shrews can be found across the entire African continent, except for the Sahara Desert and Western Africa.

10. Klipspringer


These small antelope are some of the most adorable animals with wide-set eyes and a light-footed gait. They stand at around two feet and weigh between 22 and 40 pounds.

A klipspringer's fur is soft and thick. In years gone by, they were often hunted for their fur that was used to make clothing or saddlebag stuffing.

Klipspringers have the cutest hooves of any animal (aside from, perhaps, the mouse deer). Their hooves are delicate in appearance. However, they make perfect landing pads when these antelope leap from rock to rock.

Klipspringers can be found in the mountainous areas of East Africa and along the coasts of Angola. Most of the sightings can be seen around the Ethiopian highlands.


One way to make your day is by getting to know the cutest animals on our planet. From water babies to furry friends and miniature species, these cute animals are the opposite of ugly and are sure to brighten your world.

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