The Most Satisfying Spot Squeezes (in video)

If you’re looking for videos of the most satisfying spot squeezes, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve made a compilation of ten videos to satisfy your curiosity. But, prepare yourself, this isn’t for the faint of heart.

Have you obsessed over a new pimple or a major blackhead? Have you spent hours watching Dr. Pimple Popper’s content? Our fascination with squeezing spots is definitely one of humanity’s stranger characteristics.

So-called popaholics browse these types of videos frequently on the internet. In fact, the interest is so widespread that pimple popping compilation videos have amassed millions of views. They’re quite firmly lodged in pop culture at this point!

So what is it about spot-popping videos that have millions so satisfied?

Why is Squeezing Spots So Satisfying?

Most satisfying spot squeezes

Pimple popping and extraction videos have become a hit in recent years. Not only are video sharing sites brimming with cringe-worthy compilations, but there’s a lot of content from doctors and dermatologists sharing their daily ‘icks.’

There are several potential reasons for our fascination with zit popping, blackhead extractions, and ingrown hairs.

The first is the satisfaction we get from watching these reels. Almost every person can relate to the urge to squeeze their spots. You’ve probably done it at some point and experienced the release of dopamine that comes with spot-squeezing.

However, many people also hold back from squeezing zits because they know how bad it can be for the skin. Videos give us a ‘safe’ way to experience the release of popping something, whether it be whiteheads or blackheads, without doing the damage.

Pimple popping videos are also joined by other extraction activities, like pore strip videos or ingrown hair removal.

All of these have something in common, which is unclogging or cleaning dirt. Watching strangers remove old skin cells has become a bit of a stress reliever for audiences.

Where there was once a puss-filled cavity filled with dead skin cells, people now get to see a detoxed piece of flesh.

In our increasingly fast-paced and stressful everyday life, something as simple as unclogging a pore can become a way to unclog daily stressors.

We also have to accept that all brains work differently. While pimple popper videos might not do it for you, it probably works for someone else. Where you see puss, someone else might see relief and satisfaction.

Is it a Dangerous Obsession?

Successfully cleaning out a spot can feel like an achievement for many people. But pimple popping, especially the big ones, shouldn’t be handled at home.

A board-certified dermatologist is best qualified to handle patients in sterile environments. They use disinfected tools that prevent infection. Doctors know where to press, how much pressure to apply, and how to handle oozing and pus.

Extractions done at home are vulnerable to bacteria and can leave people with spots that may develop into cysts and cause scarring.

Frequent popping can also become an obsession for certain individuals. This can lead to severe cases of skin picking that may develop into a form of OCD. This can cause physical damage to the skin and also cause psychological and emotional distress.

Remember never to try and pop something you shouldn’t, such as eyeball cysts - even if they make blinking painful. If you’re unsure, contact a medical professional.

Top 10 Videos of the Most Satisfying Spot Squeezes

Now that we’ve covered why these reels are so satisfying, let’s look at some of the best pimple popping videos out there. Be warned - these require a strong stomach.

1. Giant Blackhead Extraction

This 85-year-old woman’s dilated pore of Winer, a massive blackhead, has amassed a staggering 75 million views on YouTube.

2. Massive Knee Zit

This knee zit found itself quickly doing rounds on Instagram for its sheer size. Watch the whitehead explode with massive pimple sprays. Multiple times.

3. Nose Spray

Watch this simple but very satisfying nose pop pushed out from inside the nose.

4. Never Ending Cottage Cheese

This video takes skincare to a whole new level and requires a skin punch before the longest string of cottage cheese you have ever seen.

5. Two For The Price Of One

A real treat for pimple poppers out there, this video features two pores of Winer nestled together and bursting at the seams.

6. Ear Cleaning

This ear blackhead extraction by Dr. Sandra Lee is bound to give you the shivers.

7. Field Of Blackheads

This one features a field of blackheads and some actual farming equipment.

8. Tonsil Pimple

You thought pimples were limited to your skin? Think again.

9. Painful Lip Pimple

We know how painful these can be. Instead, enjoy it pain-free and from the comfort of your home.

10. Actual Volcano

This cyst video should be played in slow motion with some added dramatic music.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, our compilation of pimple popping videos has satisfied your curiosity. With that taken care of, you can leave the serious pimple popper jobs to the experts.

We are all guilty of picking our skin, but if you feel like you are doing it to the degree where it is causing damage to your body or psyche, seek the help of a doctor.

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