Ossified Roy: Roy Bard In The Spotlight

Would you believe that one of the most popular types of sideshow performers throughout the 1800s didn’t even perform? Well, believe it! This is the story of Roy Bard, better known as Ossified Roy, one of the most famous ossified men in the world. Hold on - we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

What is ossification? Who was Roy Bard, and what sparked so much interest in him? In this article, we’ll go over everything you might want to know about this interesting medical occurrence. We’ll also discuss the subject of Roy himself.

Ossification meaning

Photo credit: Wikimedia

What Does it Mean to be Ossified?

Ossification itself is a normal function in the human body. Ossification refers to the process in which bones form during the body’s development. However, in some cases, abnormal bone formation occurs. This leads to joints and cartilage becoming calcified and hard. This process is ankylosis and can lead to varying levels of paralysis and breathing complications.

In severe cases, full-body paralysis is a serious risk. In this instance, your body becomes immobile. While these cases are rare, several accounts surfaced over the years.

But that doesn’t mean that people with ankylosis aren’t able to live fulfilling lives. Many people make the most of their situation to live a life as rich as possible.

One famous example is Orpha Ensign, who had ankylosis in addition to being blind. There was also Dolly Regan, who had control over only a few fingers and could play the guitar.

Ivannow Wladislaus Von Dziarski-Orloff, better known as Count Orloff, became a famous ossified man when the transparency of his skin was made public.

This article will cover Roy Bard, the most famous ossified man.

About Ossified Roy

Roy Bard, better known as Ossified Roy, was a carnival act performer who played on his terrifying condition for comedic effect.

Born on the 1st of April 1889, Bard did not show any signs of abnormal bone development. In fact, it wasn’t until the age of 24 that symptoms began to manifest. He developed a stiffness in his left hip, which spread throughout his body over the next four years.

In this time, his body completely stiffened and he lay flat like a board. He would remain this way for the rest of his life.

Life in the Spotlight

While this put a stop to his career as a telephone lineman, Bard was eventually offered a position in Robert Ripley’s Odditorium as the Ossified Man. In a souvenir postcard from the Odditorium collection at the World’s Fair, Ripley described Bard as “rigid as a rock.” Apart from the fact that he was completely paralyzed, Bard was supposedly completely healthy.

According to a reporter who interviewed Bard, among many other performers at the World’s Fair, Bard seemed to accept his condition, saying, “Believe it or not, I am happy.”

This was likely a reference to Ripley’s famous slogan, which is still used today. As for the truth of that statement, we can only hope that he meant it. Hopefully, he found happiness despite the strange turn his life had taken.

He is remembered through famous photographs and images like the one shown below.

Roy Bard

This photo shows the kind of performances Roy did and how they couldn’t work without him. It depicts a woman in a nurse’s uniform holding ankles while attempting to bend Roy’s leg. This image is part of both the McManus and Young Collection and the Dr. Saint-Houdini Collection.

Sadly, Roy was in an automobile accident in 1937. He was unable to recover from his injuries and passed away on the 9th of August. He was then buried in Los Angeles.

It is hard to imagine how people with serious medical conditions were considered sideshow attractions. Often, these were people who simply had unique features or conditions. However, the lack of access to medical resources was a factor in the ostracization of the ossified subjects.

In Roy Bard’s case, however, it is difficult to imagine him making money or providing for himself any other way. If you choose to believe the accounts, he seemed happy with his life.


We hope you’ve learned more about Roy and his fascinating life.

Roy Bard is a testament to the idea that the challenges and setbacks life throws your way aren’t impossible to adapt to.

Turning an affliction into an advantage that gives you a new lease on life is a pretty impressive legacy by anyone’s standards. The Ossified Man is an inspiration. For more inspiring stories about pretty remarkable people, keep reading Phreeque.com.


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